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It is surprising how much confusion there exists about estate planning. Most people focus on whether they need a will or a trust or both. When you understand that estate planning is just leaving instructions to your loved ones about what would happen to you and your money if you become incapacitated or die, you will stop debating about technicalities and focus on what is important: you and your family!
This report will clarify what estate planning is. For us, estate planning is an in-depth discussion about you, your family and your money. We ask you about your wishes, your goal, your aspirations, and then we put those wishes, etc. in legal form so that it is clear to everyone what would happen to you and your money if you become incapacitated or die, whether that is naming a guardian for your children, leaving your money to your family and in what percentages, and making sure that your in-laws don’t mess up with your money in the event of divorce.
It also clarifies how to approach the cost issue and how to effectively prepare for an estate planning consultation. For us, estate planning is not just forms. You can get the forms anywhere. Estate planning for us is about you, your family and your money. So, you need to be ready to discuss that because we don’t know anything about you.
Whether you have a family member battling with Alzheimer’s or dementia, or whether your child has been diagnosed with autism or Down syndrome, this report is a must-read!
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